Today is a snow day

Today is a “snow day”, not because I dislike it, I don’t even mind driving in it but I thought I would not head out to do deliveries and work on the web site instead. I called all the customers who might be running out of coffee and they are all fine till tomorrow at least. I curled up in my cold office, it never gets warm in the winter, and started to work on the web site. Then the server crashed and I am sitting here doing nothing but blogging for the afternoon and thinking about the backup server I got rid of last month and wondering how I became so dependent on the internet.
This is the start of my new blog so I guess the day is not a total waste unless you consider blogging a waste of time. Refresh … refresh … refresh … nope, server still down. I really don’t know what I will write about, but it will be what “I” want to.
Server is back up and running so back to work for me.