This is my blog about the trials and tribulations of setting up our web site.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Just when you think you made a really dumb move

I was working on my site today and wanted to get of a few 's that were at the beginning of some lines and use cellpadding instead. A easy task but when I hit the search and replace button I soon realized it was NOT set for the current document but for the entire site. Sitting there watching disappear from every page in my entire site, well, the panic started to set in. I called my host and of course the screen was still working away destroying ALL my hard work. I asked him if he had a backup as I had not made on in a few days, luckily he did have a daily backup. It was still working away when I realized that it only does it on the local site and NOT the one on the server. Deep breath .... relax .... all is okay. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What editor do you use? I generally use Dreamweaver, and it gives a big warning that says "THIS ACTION CAN NOT BE UNDONE IN FILES THAT ARE NOT CURRENTLY OPEN!" It kinda tips me off before I do a global find and replace and end up having to download the entire site over my local copy again :)

4:17 p.m.

Blogger JavaRoasters said...

Hi Chance,
I use DW, I don't think I was paying close enough attention to what I was doing also. Silly me. :(

8:26 a.m.


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