This is my blog about the trials and tribulations of setting up our web site.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

News feed automation

For a while we have had free news feeds on our site that people can view in their RSS readers or other web site owners can use on their web sites. They have generated a lot of traffic but it is not targeted traffic.

I had the feeds set up as individual pages on the site and this was a pain in the &$@. For each feed it had to be created in the News Feed Admin, then the page that displays the feed on our site had to be created along with the language file, the XML page had to be created, the filenames.php file had to be updated, and it had to be added to the list of feeds. This process took about 30 minutes per feed.

Rob123 did the work the first time and he did a great job so I went back to him again to automate the process. The work he did is nothing short of amazing. Now when a feed it added to the News Feed Admin, it is automatically added to the list of available feeds in the appropriate category, the page that displays the feed on the site is automatically created, and the XML feed is automatically created. This is still using the same URL's as they have always had. The entire thing runs off 3 php files located on the site. With this process automated it takes about 15 seconds to add a new feed (instead of the 30 minutes).

There is another new feature he added. Before when looking at the XML pages in a reader it always had the same boring ad for Java Roasters at the bottom (Courtesy of Java Roasters). With this new version it has (or will have when I finish making up all the pages) a different "catch phrase" for every day of the month linked to a different page of the site. So on the 1st of every month it might say "What is our best selling coffee" followed by the description "Urban fix has alway been our best selling coffee. Find out what everyone is talking about" with a link to a page on the site that is built specifically to promote Urban Fix. On the 2nd of the month it will have a different message about our company. This was a very important feature for me to have because I think people tend to ignore the "Courtesy of Java Roasters" part after awhile because it is always there and never changes. Also only "new" articles are downloaded onto news readers so by having it change every day they will always have a unique message about our company in their RSS reader.

I was also looking at the Microsoft site the other day and IE7.0 is in beta testing now and it has a built in RSS reader. I really think RSS feeds are going to take off as soon as IE7.0 becomes available to the general public as they will be known by the general population.
Currently we have about 100 feeds generating traffic of about 16,000 views per month. The goal is to have 3,000 feeds by the end of this year. That should give us about 480,000 views per month. When IE7.0 comes out I don't see a reason why that should not increase by 10 times the number giving us 4,800,000 views per month. Now if 1 in 10,000 of those views generates a sale that will give us 480 sales per month. Once all the work has been completed and set up, tested, refined I think these goals are reachable and this does not include any work that we do to increase traffic to our site from feeds that are displayed on other sites.

If we reach our goal then this whole process might pay for itself.


Blogger richandzhaoyan said...

Thanks for the very informative post JR,

This is something I have not had any chance to look into for my site as yet, although I agree entirely about the potential power of newsfeeds.

The figures you quote are certainly very interesting. I have allways found precise figures for anything related to web-based businesses very hard to come by. Therefore it is very difficult to assess how well my business is doing comparitively with other online businesses - Am I doing the right things and is it working??? - Judging by the figures you are quoting, implementing newsfeeds will be well worthwhile.

I have a view on non-targeted traffic - the more the better. Targetted may be the best and might result in direct sales, but apart from a little extra badwidth, which happens to be the cheapest expense of running my online business, what have you got to lose? You never know when someone may return, think I know this site, and purchase....

A post like this is certainly very worthwhile and I am sure I will be referring back to it in the New Year - No chance now as x-mas is just gonna be flat out for orders (I hope).

Cheers and good luck with the business,

6:48 p.m.

Blogger JavaRoasters said...

Hi Rich,

Having news feeds on a site is worthwhile, it is constantly changing text which is good for bringing the SE's back and gives your customers something to read and hopefully they will continue to read.
What we have done is slightly different as we purchased the rights to the News Service that provides the feeds. Say you call Reuters for example and get a feed that relates to your products from them, it might cost you $$ per month and you will be able to put that feed up on your site. We have access to all of Reuters and can make as many feeds as we want and put them on our site, your site or anywhere we want to.
I have had this for about a year now and just haven't found the time to really market them as they took so long to create. I set one up on "servers" today for someone who emailed me and asked for it so they can use it on their site. It was ready in about 15 seconds after logging into the admin.
I also set up Google Adwords to promote that we have them so that should create more interest in them. I also got an automatic feed submittion software package that cuts down on the time to get them listed in directories. I don't know if you know this but RSS feeds can also be added to DMOZ (if your main company is listed), so it is possible (unlikely though) that we could be listed in DMOZ 3,000 times and that creates a lot of links back to my site.
There are two components to the feeds. The first one is the XML pages that individuals can use in their readers and they will display a different advert for Java Roasters each day of the month. These are very popular and will be more popular with IE7.0. The second part is web sites that display our feeds on their sites. Most feeds such as Google, etc. cannot be used on commercial sites. Commercial sites have to pay $$ for feeds. Our feeds are free to the web sites but they do have at the bottom "Courtesy of Java Roasters" with a link to our site. Some people click this link but it is more for building links back to our site. I might play a bit witht the working of the link but I don't want to mess with other peoples sites too much. Whatever it ends up being it will be short and non instrusive.
I will keep you updated on the progress of the feeds.


11:27 p.m.


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